Last Saturday, June 23rd, we here at Volunteer Expeditions were thrilled to participate in the 27th Annual Chicago Hunger Walk. Thousands of people (10,000 were registered, but many thousands more took part) walked and donated to end hunger in our home city of Chicago. The money raised went to the Chicago Food Depository and over 650 food banks in the city. Our team consisted of Patti (our founder and president), Allison (your blogger and Director of Communications), Herb, and Dianne. Thanks to a voice recorder, a watch, and a pedometer, we can give you the play-by-play of our 5k.

- 8:00 AM: Arrived at the Walk. Managed to get free parking, but were quite far from the registration. Herb asked if the distance counted towards our 3.2 miles. Probably not.
- 8:29 AM: Waited near the big banner that read Start. Had received water, snacks, t-shirt, and info from registration. Took pictures. Heard announcements about the sponsors.
- 8:30 AM: The Hunger Walk officially begins!
- 8:40 AM: Walked through first start gate.
- 8:43 AM: Walked through second start gate. Inspirational man on platform with microphone read off names of groups who were walking. "Christ Church! THEY walkin'! Church Sisterhood! THEY walkin'!" Felt very proud to be walkin'.
- 8:44 AM: Walked past stormtrooper and Sith Lord who were apparently there for no other reason than to be photo opportunities. Possibly to encourage walkers.
- 8:53 AM: Path entered lot under McCormick Place. Was dark until we remembered to remove our sunglasses.
- 9:01 AM: Neared end of being under McCormick Place. At 0.75 miles, 1,712 steps.
- 9:07 AM: Walked past the McCormick Bird Sanctuary. Was news to all of us that Chicago had a McCormick Bird Sanctuary.
- 9:18 AM: Reached the turn-around point, which was where path curved to head back, but closer to Lake Michigan. Provided much better photos. Were told that last year, people had to turn around and take same path back so that path was filled with walkers heading in both directions. Were glad it was all one-way this year. 3,588 steps.
- 9:30 AM: Reached the 2-mile marker. Took pictures. 4,893 steps.
- 9:35 AM: Decided to think about rest of race as much longer than actual length so that finish line would arrive much more quickly than expected. Began wailing "We still have SEVEN miles left??" with Herb.
- 9:41 AM: Broke down and had granola bar. 6,046 steps.

- 9:45 AM: While Herb explained the story of the book Unbroken, young woman overheard and asked Herb if he is a history teacher. Flattered, he replied no, he just read the book.
- 9:50 AM: Reached 3-mile marker. Took photos and could smell finish line. 6,965 steps.
- 9:55 AM: FINISHED! The final totals:
- Steps walked: 7,329
- Miles covered: 3.238
- Kilometers covered: 5.212
- Calories burned: 203.5
- 10:52 AM: Capped it all off with some delicious frozen yogurt in air conditioning.
Want to see more photos of our Hunger Walk experience? Check them out on our Facebook page!